
BAM Arrow comms conAsset 1-8


Register Today

Wednesday, February 19 — Friday, February 21, 2025

VC Comms Con is an invite-only gathering of marketing and comms professionals in the venture capital industry. We limit capacity to maximize the experience for each attendee. Don't wait! Snag your ticket today. 

VC Comms Con is invite only. Don't have a code? See the FAQs below. 

6th Annual VC Comms Con


Watch below to understand what keeps the Comms community coming back every year. 

Event Schedule

Wednesday, Feb 19

Tacos + Welcome

3 - 6 pm PT: Play date and tacos
We always host an opening event for everyone to gather after they have arrived. We keep it quick and friendly, just a way to say hello to those attending before our main day. Tacos included, per our tradition! 

Thursday, Feb 20

The House of Hospitality

8 am - 6 pm PT 

Full schedule to follow! We'll host sessions in the morning through the early afternoon and conclude our day with a Happy Hour. 

Friday, Feb 21

Yoga Deck + Beck’s condo

9 - 11 am PT
After a full jam-packed conference day, we love to offer a recovery & stretching yoga class. Not your thing? Head to Beck’s house first for stunning views of Balboa Park and a fantastic breakfast. 
Mats will be included for those participating in the yoga class. 

Attend VC Comms Con to:

Meet and learn from 100 comms and marketing pros at funds from around the world. 


Get in-depth knowledge and know-how from “secret sauce” playbooks and talks that are not recorded or published.

Network with professionals that know the ins and outs of the VC and portco landscape.

Immerse yourself in community because this is THE event for VC comms and marketing pros.

New to San Diego? You will love it! Here's a quick snapshot:


This year’s VC Comms Con is in at the House of Hospitality, located in Balboa Park in San Diego's Bankers Hill neighborhood. We recommend staying in Little Italy or downtown. If you want the ocean, La Jolla or Coronado will give you the best views. 
Note: we never do hotel blocks for VC Comms Con because stale conference rooms and "same old" isn't our vibe. 


Everything! Mexican food and craft beer are San Diego staples, and we’ll be having local flavors at our event. For meals outside of VC Comms Con, here’s a great guide on the best bites.


San Diego is super casual and consistently sunny, with mild temperatures in February. We encourage "California Casual" at our events, which means dressing in what sharp means to you, and focusing on the learning.


Will all of the content be recorded or captured in some way?

Per our tradition, we won’t be recording the content nor will it be distributed afterward. We want our speakers to be as frank as possible and enjoy the magic of in-person connection. Come hang out with us in person.

What does my ticket include?

Your ticket includes all the events listed on the schedule above. Your ticket does not include travel and accommodations.

How do I get an invite to VC Comms Con?

We keep our gathering invite-only to make sure everyone attending is a full-time comms and marketing professional at a VC fund. Plus, we know everyone in this community and it’s important to keep our No Assholes rule in place. If you’re a full-time comms and marketing professional at a VC fund who’d like to attend, drop us a line:

How will I get in touch with everybody I meet at the event?

Unless you decline when you check in, we will share everyone’s email afterwards so you don’t need to worry about business cards. Live in the moment and we'll take care of the logistics for you. 

Which airport should I fly into?

San Diego International Airport (SAN) is your best bet. This airport is about a 5 minute drive to all the events we’ll be doing in Balboa Park.

Are discounts available for the ticket?

Sadly no. Our tickets simply cover the cost of this event and are not a revenue stream for BAM. Given the limit of 100 attendees, full ticket prices are what we have to stick with.

I’m really excited! How many people are coming to this event?

We purposefully cap registration at 100 attendees. We find this intimate event allows for maximum connection and knowledge sharing. 

One of my colleagues wants to attend. Can I send that person instead of me?

Send us an email ( so we can determine if your colleague is a good substitute. Keep in mind: this conference is just for full-time people in marketing or comms roles at venture capital firms. Thus, an analyst, fellow, or operations head would probably not get value out of our event.

What should I wear for San Diego?

San Diego is a pretty casual place. See the San Diego tips above.

If I have any logistics questions or other needs during my time in San Diego who should I call?

Drop us an email for now, and we’ll have a number to text during the event as a concierges: