Rosina Ferrante

Senior Account Executive


Past companies/agencies:

Gregory FCA, Grassfed Media


Notable clients:

Adore Me, ISH Food, PeduL, Ribbon Health, Inkitt, Radware, Cybersixgill, Kenna Security (acquired by Cisco)

Rosina Ferrante is a Senior Account Executive at BAM. She handles media relations, content development, and creative ideation for clients while maintaining day-to-day client communication. Rosina has experience with various clients across the technology industry, including B2B and B2C tech, AI, and other areas.

Prior to BAM, Rosina worked at Gregory FCA where she managed client relations and led media relations campaigns for cybersecurity clients. Rosina graduated from James Madison University with a degree in communications, a concentration in public relations, and minors in political communication and Italian. She kicked off her PR and leadership skills in the university’s newly founded student-run PR firm, where she served as an Account Executive for two semesters, managing team and client needs.

Favorite industry:

I love working with the food and retail industry. As an avid cook and borderline shopaholic, it’s interesting to get to learn more about the way the industry moves and immerse myself in the worlds I actively participate in. 

Favorite trip I’ve taken:

I spent a month studying abroad in Reggio di Calabria, the “tip of the boot” in Italy in college. As a non-tourist area, exploring the local beaches and unique Southern Italian culture was a very valuable experience. My grandmother is also from this area, so it was eye-opening to put myself in her shoes to see how she grew up and where my roots began.