Maggie Cornejo

Account Executive


Past companies/agencies:



Notable clients:

AutoStore, Ample, C2i Genomics (acquired by Veracyte), Enara Health, Pebble RV, Presso, Xeal

Maggie Cornejo is an Account Executive at BAM. She supports media relations, content development, creative ideation, and coverage reporting/analysis for clients.

Maggie has experience working with startups across a wide range of verticals, including AI, biotech, crypto/blockchain tech, consumer tech, and climate tech with expertise in EVs and fleets.

Before joining BAM, Maggie spent two years working at VSC where she spearheaded the agency’s new offering in influencer relations and events, working with consumer tech, climate, and EV influencers on content creation. Before that, Maggie completed a Fulbright fellowship in Madrid, Spain where she worked as an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Camilo José Cela, teaching communications, cinema, career development, and English grammar courses. She has a special interest in edtech because of this experience and her time studying abroad in Seville, Spain where she also volunteer taught at a high school.

Maggie graduated from Elon University with a double major in Strategic Communications and Spanish. She is from Fairfax, Virginia, and is a nomad at heart, always planning her next trip.

Favorite industry:

I love working in climate tech because it bridges the gap between innovation and impact. The business opportunity around climate tech is clear and it’s an exciting time to be in an industry working to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and get the U.S. closer to achieving a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. 

Favorite trip I’ve taken:

I’ve hiked two routes of the Camino de Santiago, Spain’s famous pilgrimage trail and one of the world's most popular walking holidays and spiritual journeys. Most recently I walked 120 kilometers from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France into Logroño, Spain, and did the route solo – but the magic of the Camino is all of the characters you meet along the way. I made friends with a girl from Taiwan, a 78-year-old man hiking the Camino for the (5th!) time in honor of his late brother, and two sisters who came from Australia. The entire route is almost 800 km and I hope to go back every year and complete another part of it.