Katie Marggraf

Managing Director, Health Tech


Past companies/agencies:
Edelman, 3M, American Heart Association, Dignity Health, Lundbeck, SC Johnson, United Airlines


Notable clients:
Ash Wellness, DispatchHealth, Hawthorne Effect, LunaDNA, LifeOmic

Katie Marggraf leads BAM’s Health Tech Practice (HTP) team and PR strategy/execution for accounts across the health ecosystem. Her health and communications marketing background fuels each campaign's creative, forward-thinking, impactful results.

Before BAM, Katie worked at Edelman on the new business and marketing team. Before that role, she was selected for Edelman’s highly competitive rotational program, where she worked throughout six of the firm’s practice groups, including media, global citizenship, and digital healthcare. Katie graduated from Syracuse University, where she dual majored in public relations and policy studies.

Favorite quote:

“I believe in health care as a human right”

When I was a junior in high school, I read the book “Mountains Beyond Mountains.” I was completely inspired by Dr. Paul Farmer's work with Partners In Health (PIH) and his stance that “health is a human right.” I started a club, and the proceeds went to support their work. Through that organization, I took a trip to Rwanda and met with PIH community health workers, patients, and doctors across the country. That quote and trip started my passion for health and led to work with nonprofits, associations, and eventually, my role at BAM.

Favorite trip I’ve taken:

Ireland! My husband and I booked tickets, a car, and our stay's first two nights. But for the remainder of the trip, we asked locals for their favorite spots and had an incredible adventure filled with amazing views, music, local hospitality, and food. Dingle and Slea Head Drive were our favorites, and we hope to visit again.