Camila Contreras Merlo Flores

Senior Account Executive


Past companies/agencies
WE Communications, Allen Hall Public Relations


Notable clients:
Microsoft, PeaceHealth Rides

Camila is a Senior Account Executive at BAM. She helps develop her accounts’ media relations strategy and supports content development while maintaining day-to-day client communication. Camila has experience with a myriad of industries, supporting B2B and B2C clients across industries like climate tech/sustainability, supply chain/logistics, fintech, cybersecurity, and venture capital firms.

Originally from Argentina, Camila grew up in Oregon and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from the University of Oregon. She found her passion for PR working at the university’s student-led PR firm, where she helped launch the city’s first bike share program. Before joining BAM, Camila worked at WE Communications, supporting Microsoft’s security, compliance, privacy and IT management business.

Fun fact:

Ever since I watched the Lindsay Lohan version of Parent Trap and discovered she could “do” an English accent, I became obsessed with learning how to do accents. I’ve nailed down French, Italian, Texas-southern, North Carolina-southern, Irish, and Spanish accents. My favorite and my go-to party trick? Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter. 

Favorite character from a book or movie:

Ove from Fredrick Backman’s “A Man Called Ove.” Despite Ove’s grumpiness, he is my favorite character of all time. I love how curmudgeon-y he is and how despite his gruff exterior, he wants to love and be loved fiercely.