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PR Bootcamp Recap: How to Pitch Funding

Here's what we covered.

Thank you for joining us for our webinar, "How to Pitch funding", with BAM's PR experts Lauren, Laura and Amanda. They gave us the roadmap from drafting the press release to pitching an exclusive. 

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Register to watch the recording below. Thank you to everyone who participated and submitted questions!

3 Tips for a successful funding pitch:

1. Establish goals: What do you need to achieve? 

PR can support a wide range of business goals. To ensure your communications program is strategic, it’s important to first have a clear understanding of your company’s core business objectives. This clarity will help you establish impactful communications goals. PR goals are what you’d ideally like your communications program to accomplish. 

2. Start planning: Funding is a launchpad

Capitalize on the capital! Following funding news, the media (and other stakeholder groups) are paying attention. Get your strategy and news engine in gear, so a consistent media footprint is established.

Also, consider what organic growth you can secure now that you have new funds that could be spent on more PR.

3. Measure success: Set KPIs and track them

Set quantitative and qualitative KPIs — the more granular, the better to ensure that the coverage you’re securing (or awards you’re winning, speaking engagements you’re securing, etc.) is impactful. Some examples of KPIs include coverage volume, coverage sentiment, the share of voice, and more.

Access the webinar:

Check out the full recording by entering your name and email here. Thank you to everyone who participated and submitted questions. Happy pitching, everyone!