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Dear BAMf Podcast: Episode 32 with Erica Frank

Dear BAMf // Episode 32: Erica Frank of Oak Street Health strategizes how to bring a pilot product to market. 

In this episode of the Dear BAMf podcast, we speak with Erica Frank, VP of Public Relations at Oak Street Health. Erica is a seasoned communications professional with 12+ years of PR and marketing experience. In this episode, Erica answers some tough marketing and PR questions from our listeners, including this one about promoting product pilots.

Dear BAMf,

We're preparing to announce a new pilot. It's a big partner, but a small sample size and data won't be available for at least one year. I see companies get press coverage all the time for what seems like a small pilot. Ours is legit.

Listen now to hear how Erica advises this writer to move forward.

Dear BAMf: Episode 32

Episode 32 highlights:

  • (01:30) How to navigate a pilot for maximum exposure:
    Erica suggest that there are a number of ways to legitimize your product. Be honest when asking yourself if the pilot is newsworthy. If your product is still in pilot mode and does not have significant data to back it up, make sure you are clear on your objectives. Erica says, "Why do you want to maximize the news of the pilot right now and what audience or audiences are you trying to reach?" Clarifying questions will allow your team to build strong strategies.
  • (05:16) How can I give media a better idea of how our product is used and what the patient experience is like?
    In Erica's opinion, consider sending a non-working prototype to a journalist. Get a healthcare provider or medical expert to educate your consumer on the patient experience. Explanation videos and testimonials are your friend. Find a patient who needs the product and have them explain their experience in detail. 
  • (08:22) How do you suggest I promote the PR internally, especially now when our team is distributed, remotely?
    Erica stresses that this is one of the most universal PR questions. Many executives do not understand or believe in public relations. Lead on your agency to show reports on a regular basis and educate your executives on the PR process. Share major wins continuously and build brand ambassadors from within your team. Continuous data, industry insights, and positivity can go a long way, Erica says. "There is such tremendous value in having a consistent, impactful PR program. So I hope this person can keep chipping away and start to change the hearts and minds of their executives."

What is Dear BAMf?

We are all BAMfs (badass motherf*ckers) according to us, but sometimes even BAMfs need help. Dear BAMf is an advice column-style podcast that lets you anonymously hit us with your hardest marketing and PR questions hosted by Founder & CEO of BAM Communications, Beck Bamberger.

Have a difficult PR or marketing situation you can't figure out? Drop us a line at Dear BAMf. Your submission will be entirely anonymous. 


Catch our next episode on Monday, February 8 and subscribe to Dear BAMf on SpotifyYouTube, and Apple Podcasts.