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Dear BAMf Podcast: Episode 29 with Natsuki Zihnioglu

Dear BAMf // Episode 29: Natsuki Zihnioglu of DNX Ventures spells out the proper protocol for handling a leaked embargo.

In this episode of the Dear BAMf podcast, we speak with Natsuki Zihnioglu, Head of Portfolio Platform at DNX Ventures. Natsuki joined the firm in 2015 and built their operational process by leveraging her network within the venture world. Since then, she's been focusing on building the firm's portfolio platform team, where she supports early-stage portfolio companies. In this episode, Natsuki answers some tough marketing and PR questions from our listeners, including this one about a leaked embargo:

Dear BAMf,

I had an embargo issue and now I'm unsure what the best protocol is for the other media that had the scoop. I'm the head of comms at my tech company and we had a piece of sizable news under embargo that accidentally leaked in a notable newsletter. The reporter apologized for the error and took down the leak news in the digital link. But the news is still in the newsletter. What should I tell the 20 or so other journalists that had the news under embargo? I don't want to burn their trust, but I'm unsure if any care about this newsletter, even though it is well read on the FinTech industry that we are in.

Listen now to hear how Natsuki advises this writer to move forward.

Dear BAMf: Episode 29

Episode 29 highlights:

  • (01:00) Your CEO is not up to date with the funding announcement landscape and is hoping for a print media feature. Natsuki advises marketing and comms professionals to ask the 'why' behind the CEO wanting print media. Remind CEO's of their companies target audience and ask them to show examples of funding announcements that have received print media attention. Leverage the opportunity to educate the CEO and show them why you where brought to the table with solution based alternatives. Funding announcements are not as newsworthy as they once were. To make any announcements more appealing, approach the story from multiple angles and consider how it will effect your industry and the overall global market.   
  • (05:16) Natsuki untangles the case of the leaked embargo. Natsuki suggest communicating with honesty. Let the journalists that were promised the embargo what happened and be prepared to lose some relationships. Although taking full responsibility and being humble could resolve the exchange, remember to cross your t's and dot your i's in future embargo encounters.
  • (08:22) How to do more with less. Budget cuts and layoffs have forced clients to cut costs. Our listener's client has a big announcement, but doesn't have the room to increase the budget to properly handle the announcement. Natsuki suggests two options to think about. First, what is the value of the relationship: do you want to continue a partnership with this client in the future? Second, can you afford it? Think about your own agency's cash flow, the risk you would be taking, and the example you are setting for other clients if you take it on.

What is Dear BAMf?

We are all BAMfs (badass motherf*ckers) according to us, but sometimes even BAMfs need help. Dear BAMf is an advice column-style podcast that lets you anonymously hit us with your hardest marketing and PR questions hosted by Founder & CEO of BAM Communications, Beck Bamberger.

Have a difficult PR or marketing situation you can't figure out? Drop us a line at Dear BAMf. Your submission will be entirely anonymous. 

That's a wrap for season 1! Catch season 2 in January 2021 and subscribe to Dear BAMf on SpotifyYouTube, and Apple Podcasts.