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6 Ways to Level-Up Your Social Media Marketing Game in 2021

Have you got your social media strategy all figured out for 2021?

In a world where so many more people are working from home, businesses can’t afford to underestimate the power of social media marketing. We’ve taken a look at 6 social media trends for 2021 that you can use in your own social media strategy to boost your success this year.

Bond with socially conscious consumers

According to Porter Novelli, large proportions of consumers believe companies need to take responsibility for tackling social justice issues. Their 2020 reports show 71% of Americans want to see companies taking more action and 65% state they do research to ensure an organization’s actions match its words and policies. It’s definitely the right time to use your social media strategy to highlight the good you're doing in your local or wider communities.

Visual design vs. graphic design

As more and more businesses invest in social media marketing, how do you make your posts stand out? Beating the social media platform algorithm is only part of the battle. Consumers will still scroll on by if they don’t see something striking. Graphic design focuses on readability and conveying a message quickly. Visual design also carries a message, but the focus is on what the product can do — what its features and benefits are and what problem it can solve. The goal of great visual design is to impress potential customers and increase your brand. Expect to see more visual design on newsfeeds in 2021.

Instagram for business  

Okay, so Instagram certainly isn’t new, but businesses and influencers still rely on it, with 1.16 billion users as of Q3 2020. Instagram recently joined the short video revolution by adding the Reels option, and IGTV is an exciting and simple way for businesses to engage with video-hungry followers without switching to yet another new platform. At least 500 million Instagram users are on the platform daily, for an average of 53 minutes each day. That’s a huge opportunity to share your latest story, behind-the-scenes exclusive footage, or sneak peeks at new products. Instagram’s integrated shopping is sure to be a big hit in 2021, thanks to the massive growth in e-commerce during the pandemic.

Focus on loyalty

Business growth has been a challenge for many businesses during the pandemic, so new customer acquisition will be at the top of many businesses' priorities in 2021. This is especially crucial for smaller businesses or startups. The danger with having this as the core of a social media strategy is that it can leave loyal customers by the wayside, or halt innovation into existing customer experience. Ensure your campaigns have plenty to keep your existing customers engaged and in love with your brand.

Virtual and hybrid events

As the world changes again and, hopefully, more venues become accessible in person, hybrid events will become a possibility. This is where a small number of people can run an event, showcase, or product demonstration, and excited guests can join virtually via your chosen platform. Social media events, live streams, groups, and pages are all viable methods to promote or even produce these events. This keeps brands relevant and connected – plus they show the human faces behind the newsfeed.


When social media users get bored of scrolling, what better way to grab their attention than with a quick game? Savvy marketers and app developers can work together to create mini-games that draw consumers in and get them talking. Whether it’s a game of skill to find a hidden voucher or a memory game that tests the knowledge of a key product, games embed a brand firmly in the consumer’s mind.

If you want support making the most of your social media marketing strategy in 2021, talk to BAM and find out how we can create a plan that’s unique to you and your brand.