BAM Blog | Stories

5 Tips for Telling Better Marketing Stories in 2021

Written by BAM TEAM | Mar 31, 2021 12:35:00 PM

There is one question on every marketer's mind as we move into the first phase of a new year.

“How can we tell better stories and keep our audience engaged?”

If you have asked this question at the start of the year, you're not alone. The immense amount of digital content people must keep up with while staying home during a pandemic might be discouraging. Below are five tips you can use to enhance your own storytelling strategies and stay relevant to your market in 2021.

1. Use data-driven storytelling

As marketers, you cannot ignore data-driven storytelling. When you do proper research in Google Trends and review the data provided on your website, it gives you better insights into the problems your product could solve. Data shows you the exact path of your buyers’ journey so that you can create an even better experience for them in the future.

2. Your customers can be your best storytellers

Want your stories to be authentic? Then use real stories from your own satisfied customers in your marketing. This practice is powerful because you can’t fake real customer satisfaction. Put your happy clients in the spotlight and give them a chance to become your storytellers.

3. Diversify your storytelling platforms

If you haven't yet branched into audio and visuals for storytelling, there is no better time. While there may be so many podcasts and webcasts out there, people will always be hungry for contact and communication. Why not try creating a podcast for your brand, where you can get even more intimate with your listeners, ask them questions, and give them feedback? Digital audio is a trend that's here to stay.

4. Rethink your marketing copy

It makes sense to hire professional storytellers to do your brand evangelism. Stay away from hiring copywriters who aren't masters of persuasive storytelling and modern media. In order to stay competitive and rise above the media noise, your PR team must write releases with soul — releases that tell a compelling story about your brand and/or product.

5. Tell stories that inspire

How can your stories shine a light on the dim world of today? This is a question your marketers must ask themselves. Make a difference with your storytelling by bringing the inspiration people need in a tough time. Tell stories about positive change, stories where lives were bettered because of your product, and make a way for your market to relate to the characters in your stories.

Marketing in 2021 is different than before, because marketers have to adapt, pivot, and progress beyond the usual storytelling techniques. However, what hasn't changed is the need to tell stories that resonate with the listener and stories that make the audience feel strongly enough about the outcome to decide on buying your product.

Continually ask yourself how you can better your storytelling. This is key to marketing smartly in the new year. At BAM, we move stories forward for technology-driven brands that challenge and create genuine change. Contact us today to find out how we can tell better stories, together.