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Our BAMf Client: Xeneta

Xeneta is driving change in one of the world’s oldest industries, ocean freight. Shippers, freight forwarders, and carriers use its platform to compare ocean and air freight rates. It might sound like inside baseball, but that data is helping the world understand the pandemic's economic fallout. 

“We have the world’s largest dataset of real-time ocean and air freight rates,” explains CEO Patrik Berglund. “We can see how rates are moving in real-time, which is invaluable to help shippers and freight forwarders plan their next move when it comes to making sure their cargo reaches its destination. As COVID-19 scrambles the market, that’s a tremendous value to our customers.” 

How BAM moved Xeneta's story forward

The BAM team has been working hard to highlight Xeneta’s expertise amidst COVID-19. The team secured a piece in The Washington Post, where Patrik explained how a dip in Chinese cargo could put shippers at risk of bankruptcy, which would be bad for the whole industry. The BAM team then secured an opportunity with Forbes, allowing Patrik to explain how the global market could restabilize. Within the industry, BAM kept Patrik on rotation on Compliance Week and Supply Chain Dive. 

“BAM connected the dots between our shipping data and the real-world news of the COVID-19 crisis,” Berglund says. “They’ve given us the mic to explain how the global supply chain is being impacted. That sort of amplification and movement is exactly what we need right now.” 

screen-shot-2020-05-26-at-3_01_33-pm-300x221-2Heading into this crisis, BAM did the important work of building Xeneta’s reputation with national media. When COVID-19 hit, BAM kicked things into high gear. The key was to make Xeneta’s real-time data relevant to the news cycle. Reporters were and are slammed, so BAM adjusted its pitching strategy — giving the raw data upfront, instead of a half-baked story idea. 

“Our priority has always been to position Patrik and Xeneta as industry experts in the media," says BAM Account Manager Diana Vicinanza.  “With the COVID-19 pandemic, our team has double-downed by utilizing Xeneta's unique dataset and perspective to get them in front of The New York Times, Reuters, and more. We look forward to keeping that momentum going.”

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