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Ready to Spring-Clean Your Trade Show Routine?

Written by LAUREN GRASSETTI | Jan 31, 2018 8:03:00 PM

It’s time to prepare for GSMA, RSA, WOBI, HIMSS, SXSW, TC Disrupt and the many other conferences in the tech sphere. The next few months may feel like a hard slog for many companies as they refresh sales collateral, submit award applications, and finalize products for the exhibition floor. These conferences offer tech vendors powerful opportunities to promote their products and bump elbows with industry influencers, making it worth the time to exhibit.

Strategic marketers are the ones who secure measurable ROI from their attendance.

Here at BAM, we’re helping companies put their best for forward in preparing for the onslaught of spring events. Over the years, we’ve taken note of what makes tech companies successful during this time of year. Here are three things any company looking to make the most out of event season should focus on at the beginning of 2018.

Actively seek speaking opportunities

Thought leadership has been proven to create a competitive advantage for businesses when compared to other marketing initiatives. Speaking opportunities at renowned conferences offer companies a platform that can’t quite easily be beaten due to the virality of social media engagements.

The key to prioritizing Q1 speaking engagements is to first identify which are most relevant and have a history of showcasing disruptive tech that draws a crowd.

The submission process is different for every event. It’s essential to pay close attention to the event agenda while developing a submission. It also helps to keep customers’ needs in mind: What questions will a panel answer that answered that will elevate a business to its potential customers? Every speaking opportunity can convert new customers and provides an opportunity to demonstrate thought leadership.

Be present, and get recognition for it

Many tech conferences offer awards and other recognition for technological innovation. Winning these awards can have some serious impact on your revenue stream as well.

Public relations plays a role in securing awards and adequately leveraging such accolades for future success.To stand out, a nomination identifies strengths and differentiators and focuses on building a story around the impact created by a product or solution. You need a good story to showcase what your company does to exhibit technological innovation for securing awards.

Leverage events and award opportunities for long-term ROI

At the close of an event, take inventory of the assets, customer feedback and new technology learned. The information collected can help with the development of a content strategy for your business.

Following these events, update email signatures with any relevant awards won, and incorporate them in marketing and press materials and as part of your SEM initiatives.   

The event season doesn’t stop when a show is over. Each conference is a chance for a company to reinforce its marketing strategy with new third-party recognition, prospects, media interviews and social media content.

Get started planning your 2018 event marketing strategy with Bam .

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