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How to Amplify Your PR Wins (Part 2)

Earned media wins deserve a boost! There are always opportunities, traditional and out of the box, to help maximize and extend the life of your media wins.

Before reading on, did you catch the first set of tips? If you didn’t, check back on those to learn how your message can reach beyond your core audience using social media and a content distribution platform.

Repurpose the earned media content

Very few companies actually take advantage of what their media hit has to offer. Give new meaning to “recycling” by giving your earned media hit more life by reinventing it! It could be as simple as writing a synopsis of the article on your corporate blog with fresh language, sourcing and linking back to the original article. Not only does this give visitors to your site owned content to read, but Google rewards sites with fresh content, so it’s both a PR and SEO win.

Doing this ensures your paid, owned and earned channels are all speaking the same language. Make sure you leverage strong one-liners, positive reviews and recognizable logos on all of your collateral, whether it’s your website, a sales deck, or even in your email signature. Third-party validation from trusted publications is a powerful tool for gaining credibility with all of your key stakeholder audiences. And if you’re running an ad campaign, consider converting some key press-written quotes into banner creative because they can say it better than you can! This is especially power at the last leg of the sales cycle if you can share your PR content to compare your services against those of competitors, and might just be enough to win you the deal.


Parachute repurposes an earned media placement and on-brand pull quote from the piece into a boosted Facebook post to get more eyeballs on a positive review from Entrepreneur, a highly credible publication.

Don’t forget about your stakeholders

Toot your own horn! Build out your personal mailing list of folks who might be interested in your thoughts and your company’s growth. This includes your clients, potential customers, investors (current and future), stockholders, employees, personal network, and anyone else who might be happy to see you win! Send them every press hit with a takeaway or quick learning to keep them engaged with your organization and up-to-speed with its growth.

Your stakeholders value your insights, which is why they are involved with your organization in the first place. Strengthen your relationships with the people who are talking about your brand by sharing your thought leadership wins with both internal and external stakeholders. This is critical to helping others see your momentum and feel empowered to talk about it themselves. Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, and even if each stakeholder shares the piece with one other person, you’ve already doubled your immediate network reach!

Bonus: Create a simple email template and send these email updates out on a scheduled basis (i.e., monthly, quarterly, fortnightly) along with some additional news and updates from your team and industry. Your audience will come to expect –and enjoy– the additional value-add. Plus, a little polish always gives you the impression of being a BFD, even if you’re only a small operation.


Primary VC keeps their community and industry peers up-to-date on what’s going on with them and their portfolio companies, highlighting press wins for their own brand, as well as their portfolio brands when available. The newsletter provides value-add information that is solely focused on educating the audience, not just touting their wins, which makes it a valuable addition to the recipient’s inbox.

Repurposing content and tending to your stakeholders worked for Parachute and Primary VC; now it’s your turn to put these tips into action and let us know how you were able to extend and maximize your media wins!